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Reading and hearing about slavery has been truly eye opening, I have read about slavery and seen movies about slavery but this hit my heart with the riveting descriptions and hearing how sad and depressed he was during this period. It made my draw connections to society today and how we still 200 years later […]

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I found it fascinating that women like Margaret Cavendish had to talk through another person in order to get her autobiography out. I also found the study on rate my professor interesting, the fact that women have lower ratings on rate my professor. The one question I have is do you think people ask about […]


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After today I find myself nervous for the interview. I wonder what kind of questions I can ask, what if I annoy them with my questions or if I can’t get the material that I want from them. I also look at this as a great learning experience, I have never been to a town […]


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I have found it fascinating seeing where people came from and the photos of them and their families.  It also made me emotional looking at photos of myself in my childhood. It also made me realize how stable my life has been with numerous students in the class moving from different places and coming from […]


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The idea that the only way you can forget something it to still remember it. how can you forget something if you don’t remember the event occurrirng. I also found it interesting that he talked about the divided self, one side is evil an the other is good, on a daily basis we have the […]


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I was extremely fascinated by St. Augustine because of the interrogation he he had about God, I found it interesting because its the same type of questions that I have asked myself in the past. I learned today about the idea of original sin, I found the idea that babies don’t have the strength to […]